Links postados no Mastodon.
Três utilitários para o terminal (linux/unix):
- llama, para navegação rápida entre diretórios;
- halp, para encontrar ajuda mais rápido e mostrar cheatsheets;
- trash-cli, para mover arquivos para a lixeira.
Dois documentários da PBS:
Em inglês. A PBS é a TV pública dos EUA. Muitas de suas reportagens investigativas são premiadas — valem a pena. Para assistir fora dos EUA/Canadá, é preciso VPN (há opções gratuitas, como o ProtonVPN), já que um IP norte-americano é exigido.
- Global Spyware Scandal: Exposing Pegasus é sobre o spyware Pegasus, que é usado por governos de 40 países para espionar ativistas e outras pessoas.
- Love in The Time of Fentanyl — Belo doc sobre uma ONG canadense que oferece um espaço seguro para viciados em opiáceos, após a explosão nas overdoses com o mortífero Fentanyl.
Umair Haque
Os artigos desse economista são viciantes. Apesar de, com frequência, a leitura ser dolorosa, essa é a realidade atual. Trechos de dois deles:
Look around the world. What do you see? What single fact explains how our world is organized and structured — most? Is it capitalism, democracy, liberalism? Not even close. The single organizing slash structuring principle of our world is still the Great Chain of Being. For those unfamiliar with this term, it was originally a Christian idea that became an Enlightenment idea that nature was hierarchical… Why This Is an Age Of Regress
You might think, like some Americans still do: “well, at least destroying the planet and letting billionaires duck taxes made us rich!” The truth is that it didn’t even do that. In fact, now we are getting poorer. That is what “poverty is rising” means. We’re Going to Have a New Dark Age — Unless We Have a New Enlightenment
More AI shit:
- Interesting short story, based on the idea that chatbots are a kind of avatar of the human collective. - This Effective Altruism tech subculture is like a dystopian scifi plot:
They’re not predicting sentient evil robots. Instead, they warn of a world where the use of AI in a zillion different ways will cause chaos by allowing automated misinformation, throwing people out of work, and giving vast power to virtually anyone who wants to abuse it. The sin of the companies developing AI pell-mell is that they’re recklessly disseminating this mighty force. Wired | How to Start an AI Panic