About Maps of Content


I started using the IMF framework to organize my Obsidian notes (of which this site is one public directory). There's a nice tutorial about this on the Obsidian forum.

Basically, it is about creating a lot of index pages of content, so that the notes end up looking like a private wiki. On Obsidian, when there's a lot of notes and diverse topics – like diaries, quotes from books, new ideas etc – this helps a lot.

I didn't plan to make "nature" a main topic for this site, but as I read a lot about it, the first Map of Content is about that → NaturezaNatureza
Mapa de conteúdo para "natureza": Ficção para expandir a visão de mundo Crise ecológica e reconstrução da sociedade Épico cosmo-natural para este século Vida entrelaçada Anarquismo e movimento ambiental Livro 'O Deus das Avencas', de Daniel Galera The Tusks of…